
Friday 10 February 2017

Technicraft fun!

Today at Technicraft, we were in cooking class. Our teacher was Mrs. plows, the same teacher from last year. The first thing we had learnt from her was the rules which was showing courtesy, having respect for the teacher,(e.g, No answering back), always put cooking materials back to original place and Participate and contribute with others.

Then we gathered information on refrigerator storage and how we can preserve our food. For example , not placing raw steak near cooked steak, because it would cause cross contamination, its when bacteria is transferring to the cooked steak, putting raw steak on the top shelf with the cooked steak at the bottom, the steak would still be contaminated because the blood from the meat would seep through on top of the steak.

We then, (after morning tea), made our design brief on jam. Our design brief was on how we make a jam look, (Decorations, etc.), my jam design, was that I would put a piece of material bigger than the jar and put it on top of the jar, then wrap a red ribbon around it and attach a little card to it.

As soon it was done it was time to go, I really enjoyed the first day, I hope next time, it would be even better.

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