WALHT: Identify how other countries celebrate Christmas.
I am a Year 8 student at Saint Patrick's School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 8 and my teacher is Mrs Dines.
Wednesday, 13 December 2017
Christmas around the world!!!
WALHT: Identify how other countries celebrate Christmas.
Tuesday, 12 December 2017
Wednesday, 6 December 2017
Graduation practise!
Today at St Patrick's school, Ms Bullot took us to church to practise our roles for graduation mass. My role was offertory, I was assigned to holding the bible, while the rest of my classmates carried an Advent wreath, Lei's, (Flower/lollies necklaces), and R.E books. We had to practise seriously because today was the one day we could practise, we had to place the objects in front of the altar, then walk back and bow our heads for the blessing father gives us.

Tuesday, 5 December 2017
Tuesday, 14 November 2017
The gift of God!
WALHT: Group and classify examples that relate to each of the four dimensions of the human body and soul.
Wednesday, 25 October 2017
Friday, 29 September 2017
Planting and caring for a seed!
Planting and caring for a seed!
What you need:
- Yogurt cup
- Stones, small ones
- Dirt
- Seed
- Trowel
- Compass
What to do:
1. First, poke holes through the bottom of the yogurt cup for drainage.
2. Test it by filling the cup with water and water should come out the bottom. If this does not happen, you need to put more holes on the bottom.
3.Put stones in the bottom of the cup to aid drainage
3.Get a trowel and fill the yogurt cup with dirt, not too much.
4. Poke a hole in the dirt for the seed to go it.
There you have successfully planted a seed.
This is my result:
1 week later:
Technicraft last day!
- Electronics
- Binary codes
- Algorithms
The last day of term 3's technicraft electronics class, our teacher Mr. Goh gave instructions that everyone could do whatever they wanted, as long as it was not music played out loud, watching off task videos and going on gaming sites, pretty much everything else you could do. I was continuing on my coding course as I hadn't finished it. The stage I was stuck on was 5 until I figured it out and solved it and moved on to the next question. Then it was Morning tea time for us.
After morning tea, we all continued on what we were doing before, creating games, unfortunately, I didn't do it since I didn't finish my coding course, I could make the game, but I wanted to finish the course off. So then I continued my coding. After several questions later I got to the next stage and started the stages on there. Some coding, I had technical difficulty with, I ended up figuring, it was fun. Whilst finishing the course I was reminiscing the past lessons I've had in the class, I remember the lesson about binary codes, the lesson about patterns and the lesson was algorithms.
Those lessons were fun, some lessons I didn't understand very much, some I understood very well and some lessons that were in the middle like baby bear's porridge, Not too cold, not too hot.
I was still on my course while everyone else was finishing off their games on scratch. I was really trying on some codes that were hard in the course but ended up searching for hints and I thought the first course we went through was hard. The bell rang for the students in the school which says that it was almost time to go back to our school. Soon as the time came, I didn't finish, maybe coding wasn't meant for me.
Technicraft was educational and fun, I really enjoyed it, my next class is art, I'm looking forward to it.
Friday, 1 September 2017
Thursday, 24 August 2017
Greenhouse effect!
WALT: Plan my ideas for writing with detail and return to this as a guide to support me as I write.
Have you ever felt like the environment around you was getting warmer?
Well, that would be the because of the Greenhouse effect. This effect takes place when heat is trapped in the atmosphere of the earth, like a greenhouse, this is also called global warming.
The greenhouse effect can affect island nations like Tonga, Fiji and Papua New Guinea which export products to make money because the heat can damage the crops by the water drying up, even though some fruit and plants can grow in the heat like bananas, they still need water. It can also cause small islands like Maldives, Kiribati, Seychelles and Torres Strait islands, to sink below the surface of the water and cities with ports like Auckland, parts of it would be likely to be flooded.
Greenhouse effect can also cause the temperature of the ocean to change which can cause some aquatic life to die due to not being able to adapt to the Ocean's new temperatures, then the predators of a certain fish would die because of starvation due to their prey being extinct, then the predator's predator will die as well and it goes on from there. Even if it is small like plankton, it will cause the predator to die of starvation.
Another aspect of damage greenhouse effect is causing is that it is melting Antarctica and the ice polar caps, which is responsible for the level of the sea rising. If all ice on Antarctica, Greenland, and glaciers around the world were to melt caused by this effect, the sea would rise 70 meters and cities that are on the coast would be covered in water, but in cities such as Denver would survive. If we were to keep adding carbon to the atmosphere, 5,000 years later the planet would have been ice-free and the temperature would be 80 degrees Fahrenheit instead of current 58.
In conclusion, try and use greener ways of traveling like walking and riding your bike instead of your car because it releases gases fumes in the air which adds to the amount of carbon in the atmosphere.
Wednesday, 16 August 2017
Assumption of Mary!
We are learning about the assumption of Mary
Link: Loyolapress
This is not my article, this article belongs to Loyolapress original link above.
One glance at a daily newspaper or a television news show will tell you that some people do not value human life. But this is not news. During the Holocaust of World War II, millions of people were tortured and killed. This terrible tragedy led many people to wonder about human life. How valuable is a single human life? How valuable are the lives of the elderly, the unborn, the terminally ill? Are their lives worth as much as those of people who are healthy and active, working, and raising families?
God creates human life and gives it value. And Jesus gave his life on the cross to redeem each individual human person. By doing this, Jesus said, “Your life is worth my dying to save you.” Through his own Resurrection, Jesus showed us the glory of our resurrection and of our living in the Holy Spirit. Jesus promised that the body and soul of a person, separated at death, will be joined together again in glory at the Last Judgment. The person will be whole for all eternity.
The feast of Mary’s Assumption is a preview of what our lives will be. At the end of her earthly life, Mary was assumed, or taken up, into heaven body and soul. She did not have to wait for the end of the world, as we do. God granted her this special privilege because of her sinlessness and her fullness of grace.
The Church has always believed in Mary’s assumption into heaven. But on November 1, 1950, Pope Pius XII focused the attention of the whole world on the Assumption of Mary as a dogma and mystery of our faith. This mystery shows us that God wants every human person, body and soul, to be in glory forever, just as Mary is now. This dogma shows how important every single human life is. Pope Plus XII hoped that by thinking about Mary’s Assumption, people all over the world would develop a deeper respect for their own lives and their own bodies. He also hoped that people would grow in respect for the lives of others.
Assumption of Mary prayer
Father in heaven,
All creation rightly gives you praise,
for all life and all holiness come from you.
In the plan of wisdom,
she who bores the Christ in her womb,
he who is raised in body and soul in glory to be with him in heaven.
May we follow her example in reflecting your holiness
and join your hymn of endless love and praise.
We ask this through Christ our lord.
Tuesday, 8 August 2017
The Holidays!
The holidays were here and I was thinking all about it, thinking what I'd do to spend the time wisely. I decided I'd play COD, (aka. Call Of Duty), or battlefield 1. It was a tough decision that had to end early because I just tripped and fell face first on the floor, at the same time, farted. It was embarrassing, it was so loud, it echoed throughout the house. Luckily no one heard it. I then ,straight away, got to my feet and spent the rest of the day playing games.
The next day was Saturday and I was getting ready to go on an outing with my Uncle Michael, Aunt Jena and her niece, Shaniqua. We were all going to 2 places. The first being a restaurant called Ollies, (which I highly recommend, since the food is superb), then the second being an arcade called Xtreme entertainment, (which I recommend as well).
We arrived at Ollie's and soon as we entered, we got blasted with a beautiful aroma of lovely food. AFter smelling the beautiful aroma,(makes my mouth water just thinking about it), we ordered our food straight away. We ordered hot chips, burgers,(which only Jena and I ordered), and drinks. Soon as our food arrived, we dug in straight away. 1 minute later all the food was gone and it was delicious. I wish I could taste it a second time, but that wasn't physically possible.
Then it was off to Xtremen arcade. I was excited for the arcade, so excited couldn't stop moving. We then arrived, I then jumped out of the car and walked with my uncle to the arcade. We entered the place and I was blinded by brightly coloured games and my ears were filled with music. Shaniqua and I then were let into the wild crowds of the arcade, when my uncle and her auntie gave us our cards with the money in it..
We played many games and gained many tickets, until that moment when we finished our money given to us. The total of tickets we collected was 918 tickets, Shaniqua 416 and me 502. We then transfered our tickets into the cards. When then were given the choice to choose from the counter what we wanted. There was nothing good to get so we just left our tickets to build up. We then left.
In conclusion of my holiday writing, the holidays were awesome and I trely wish the next holidays are even better.
Thursday, 20 July 2017
Wednesday, 19 July 2017
What locals did to save beached whales at Farewell spit
Winter learning journey day 4 activity 1
Tuesday, 18 July 2017
Is it good idea to rid NZ of predators?
Day 3 activity 2 Winter learning journey
Chosen animal to adopt!
Activity 1 Day 3 winter learning journey
Monday, 17 July 2017
My uncle's five favorite habits to do outside!
Bonus activity day 2 winter learning journey!
Five questions i would ask Laura dekker!
Activity 2 Day 2 winter learning Journey
Sunday, 16 July 2017
My design of a NZ flag!
This is the bouns activity of the winter learning Journey

My design of the flag is black and red with a white circle with a fern inside it. What inspired me to create this flag was the traditional colors of Maori patterns.
My design of the flag is black and red with a white circle with a fern inside it. What inspired me to create this flag was the traditional colors of Maori patterns.
Saturday, 15 July 2017
Wednesday, 12 July 2017
Wednesday, 5 July 2017
Wednesday, 14 June 2017
Bubble sensation!
Today at Technicraft, students at Saint Patrick's school had an amazing experiment, there was 5 plastic cups on each table including the contents: glycerine, glucose, salt, sugar and detergent, there was also two straws, a jug of cold water and a stopwatch. Some students guessed the experiment had something to do with blowing bubbles and it was true. The assignment was to record how long each bubble blown from the cups filled with glucose, glycerine, salt etc.
Each cup was filled with water. Then the students waited until the teacher said go. Ready, set, GO!, the students were off with there bubbles, stopwatches were timing how long each bubble lasted. Then students were instructed to stop and to list their time of each bubble which was done in in a matter of time.
All of a sudden, out of nowhere the teacher cracked a funny pun," You what they say, you shouldn't throw a clock, because time flies", students didn't get it at first, but in a moment of 'time', they got it and had a big laugh about. Then it was time to pack up.
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
Poem critique!
Alan Bagnall writes descriptive poetry.
To write, he uses many different types of language.
Atmosphere: using words that give the feeling of a situation.
Onomatopoeia: using words that make the sound of something.
Alliteration: using the same words over again
Simile: e.g, cold as ice, white as a ghost.
Metaphor: like a simile, but not just as it is.
Personification: giving an object life
Portrait: a poem that tells about someone
Repetition: saying something over and over again.
Cars, Cars
by Alan Bagnall
Up and down,
The motorway,
Two and fro,
They speed all day.
All intent,
On getting there.
My opinion of justification
-This poem is about cars on the motorway going to their destination.
-I not sure of I like this poem or not, there is many features of it that I like and dislike.
-The types of language used was repetition.
-Rhythmic words include: everywhere, there, motorway, day.
Muscle man
I drew a muscle man,
Fuming with rage.
Bulging with muscles,
In an iron cage.
He challenged me to a fight,
"I'll meet you up on stage"
I shivered with fright and
Tore up the page.
- Name of poem and author
Muscle man by poet Alan bagnall.
B) What was the poem about?
It was about an imaginary muscle man that challenged the author to a fight.
C) Types of language used.
D) Which words rhyme?
Rage/cage, fight/fright, stage/page
E)What do you like about the poem?
I like the creativity of the author's drawing of a muscle man coming to life.
F) What don't you like about the poem?
I don't like people challenging others to a fight.
G) Draw a picture of what the story of what the story is about?
Friday, 19 May 2017
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
Today at technicraft, In cooking class, we were baking loaves, me and my partner Cheska made banana loaf well the rest made different ones, like coconut and cheese.
First we sifted flour, baking soda, salt. Then put in ½ a cup of sugar. Next in another bowl we beat eggs, then pour in mashed banana and milk.
After that we pour in our mixture of egg, banana, and milk into the other bowl.
Then mixed it thoroughly. After mixing it, we put the mixture in a loaf bowl, then put in the oven. Baked at 220 degrees celcius for 20 minutes. The result was beautiful
We then put half of the loaf in our boxes. We then had to write another brief. After we did our brief we did a crossword. The crossword was hard and I didn't finish it in time because as soon as I was on the 5th word it was time to go.
I had fun at technicraft, I hope it never loses this value.
Water worries!
We are learning to find and discuss main ideas in what we read and to plan our ideas before we write to better inform our reader audience
Water worries:
- To persuade to treat river better
- Stop causing pollution
- To change people who throw rubbish in the river.
Can we make water?
One of the author's reasons to make this article is to show information on the pollution of rivers so it can persuade people to not throw there waste in the river. This is because rivers lead to either oceans or other rivers, and the rubbish could pollute the entire water supply of each country.
Another aspect of what this article's purpose, is that the article could be warning us to save water because it says in the story that every drop counts and the pictures I see people queuing for water. That made me think it was a message for saving water because other people have problems with there water and water is precious to us, so that is another purpose for this article.
Then there is a third purpose, to change or persuade people who throw their waste into the river on their daily walks, this is another purpose because it shows many picture and has convincing writing that can change people. For example: a random person was reading that exact article and thought for a moment. He or she realizes that they are helping with polluting the water supply of the whole world and they quickly change.
In conclusion three of these aspects of purpose from the article could possibly be the main reason for this article, but we don't really know, it surely is a mystery.
Are you a virtuous person?
Walht: Identify the actions that link to values that are used by ‘A virtuous person’
One who tries to form proper friendships/relationships with other people
One who makes a habit of giving to the poor
One who acts with diligence
One who respects the elderly
One who promotes justice
One who resists temptation
One who works for God and Jesus
One who practises to be humble
One who overcomes fears
One who makes choices which are not going to affect other people
One who tries to develop faith in God
One who grows in virtues and values
One who can be a role model
One who restores aroha, faith and hope
One who lives by God
Tuesday, 11 April 2017
Wednesday, 22 March 2017
Water cycle model procedure!
List of things we need:
- A plastic bowl (mixing bowl size)
- Cling wrap
- A mug
- String
- Water
- Grab a plastic bowl and place a mug in the bottom of the bowl.
- Add water around the mug so that it can come up to 2/3rd’s of the mug.
- Cover the bowl tightly in cling wrap and tie the string around the bowl so that the cling wrap will stay in place.
- Then place it in the sun.
- Observe the results of the project.
Monday, 20 March 2017
Friday, 10 March 2017
Today at cooking class, me and my partner made something different from the others, instead of making tacos, nachos and that, we made spaghetti and mince, but without the sauce, we also made coleslaw. First we gathered the ingredients.
- A shredded cabbage leaf
- Grated carrot
- Caesar salad dressing
- 1 Tp of crushed pineapple
Spaghetti and mince:
- Mince
- Spaghetti
- 1 Tp of oil
- Grated onions
First we made the coleslaw, We shred the cabbage leaf, then grated the carrots, we put them both in the bowl with 1 tablespoon of crushed pineapple. We then added Caesar salad dressing, them mixed them all together. Then were were done with the salad.
Now we had to get spaghetti and mince out of the way. We got the mince and put it in a saucepan with grated onion. In a separate pan we cooked the spaghetti. After both were done we set up the table then the food. After setting up we started eating. The spaghetti and mince tasted kind of bland because we didn't add the sauce, with that the salad tasted good. After we finished we cleaned up and went to interval.
I had fun cooking spaghetti, though the ending result was what we aimed for but we still had fun making it and I hope it ends like that every time we come to technicraft.
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