WAHLT write a narrative using the structure of a narrative.

The expression on their faces were like being excited and sad at the same time because today was the building competition, but they always lose to a team called the Ravens, they win every year, Jesse, Axel and Olivia believed in themselves that they will win this time so they went anyway.
When they arrived something was awfully strange about the place instead of a building competition there was a pit of dirt. "Wasn't there supposed to be a competition here?" said Olivia.
"Yes there was supposed to be a competition here, but there's nothing here" replied Jesse
They looked and looked, but they didn't find the competition. "Maybe it's tomorrow, just maybe" suggested Axel
"It was supposed to be today!" exclaimed Jesse
then suddenly the wind became very violent wind blew so hard, so hard that trees started flying up in the air.
"What is happening!" said Olivia
"I don't know!"said Jesse
He looked back and there was a horrifying portal, sucking the whole world into it's disastrous dimension.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHHAHHAHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Screamed Jesse as he was sucked to the portal along with his friends. They grabbed a part of the tree and went to the other side of the portal.
To be continued …