On Friday it was the last session for badminton, I felt sad that it was our session. As soon as it was morning tea, we all changed into our P.E gear quickly because it was our turn.
Soon after bell went, we walked up to the hall because were meeting coach Ben there. Soon we made it up the steep hill and we stood next to the chairs that were just outside the hall.
Coach Ben told us not to sit on the on the chairs because we were doing exercises, I did not not want to do the exercises because I was too tired from walking up the hill. However we it turned out to be fun because we did exercises then we played a short game called stuck in the mud, coach Ben explained the rules and selected from the middle.
Siu, Shannon and Alessandra were the taggers in the first round. We were told to find a big space because we might bump into each other when we run.
As soon as we were in our spaces, the game began. The taggers came after us and some of us got tagged and some of us got away.
When all of us were tagged, the game was over, coach Ben called us to stand next to the chairs. The next the he got us to do was to practise our back hand and forehand grips because we needed to practise those skills so we can play better.
Coach Ben told us told us to grab a shuttle and a racket so we can have some practise. After that, coach Ben put three movable nets across the hall so we can have a rally against each other. Then we were spilt into and each group was allocated to a net. coach Ben quickly explained the rules to us.
As soon as he finished speaking, we started started the rally, we took turns on each round. After a while the rally was over and we said, "Thank you" to coach Ben and left the hall.
I had fun at badminton, I hope we have badminton next term as well so I can improve my badminton skill.
WALT understand the structure of a recount
I know I can do this when I put the events in order.